Sunday, February 23, 2020

Classroom management strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Classroom management strategies - Essay Example One of the pitfalls that educators oftentimes find themselves is finding an approach that works and utilizing this as a means of classroom management for the remainder of their professional teaching careers. As a function of understanding this to a more complete degree, the following analysis will seek to engage the reader with an understanding of how classroom management strategies can be utilized to affect the same goals even though a range of different strategies might be employed. Firstly it must be understood that the main goal of each and every classroom strategy is necessarily to improve the level of educational benefit that the student is able to derive. Ultimately, the classroom is merely an instrument through which this information is able to be presented. As such, it is incumbent upon the teacher/educator to ensure that an environment exists within the classroom that allows and facilitates the transfer of this information in an equitable, fair, and conscientious manner (Ga rrett, 2013). Notwithstanding the information that is thus far been presented, it must also be understood that specific strategies are appropriate for specific developmental levels. Furthermore, each strategy that is utilized within classroom management has the potential to encourage critical thinking in students. In such a way, it is the responsibility of the educator to assess the overall developmental levels of the students under his/her care prior to integrating with a particular strategy. All too often, the educator is eager to implement a strategy that is previously worked for them in the classroom setting, or they are very familiar with as a result of the educational setting, without further thought with regards to the overall level of acceptance and/or feasibility that such an approach may hold with regards the stakeholders within the given situation. In this way, it is highly important for the educator to utilize the first few days and hours of the classroom integration wit h new students to ensure that the appropriate response framework and classroom strategy is defined, delineated, and ultimately utilized. Thus far the information that is been presented has been concentric upon the idea an understanding that the educator has something of a perfect understanding of each of the strategies and can employ them at will. A more appropriate and reasonable understanding of this is the fact that most educators are more familiar with the given approach and had utilized in the past. However, rather than merely regurgitating the strategies that have been utilized previously and him placing them upon cultural, demographic, and group dynamics that are not appropriate, the educator is oftentimes required to step outside their comfort zone and integrate classroom management strategy that they are unfamiliar with or have never used at all (Hicks, 2013). Rather than shying away from these strategies and merely not employing them due to a lack of familiarity, it is inc umbent upon the educator to realize that the situation and the educational requirements and cultural/demographic needs of students might necessarily require them to step outside this comfort zone and implement

Friday, February 7, 2020

Harlem poet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Harlem poet - Essay Example Claude McKay, a Jamaican-American poet, expressed concern over the heightened tension that emanated from racism that existed in the 1920s. His role during the Harlem Renaissance had outstanding impacts on a number of readers of poems. Some of his poems were quite militant with the core objective of challenging the brutal leadership experienced by the blacks. He was of key contribution in condemning the leadership while expressing the challenges faced by the blacks to cope with the racial tension at that time. He is iconic for advocating for the consideration of humanity and fair treatment of the oppressed. The celebration of the traditions and heritage of blacks was a key characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance. One of McKay’s most celebrated pieces of literature include If We Must Die poem. The piece of work was a justification of the rights of the blacks, who at the time experienced serious exclusion and segregation (Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2003). In the poem, he stated that blacks were confident to wage against the forces of tyranny given their resilience. He writes, in the poem, that blacks intend to â€Å"fight back† (Shmoop, 2010) even when facing death. The major theme that is evident is prejudice and abuse. He expressed the plight of the blacks and the brutal leadership that they experienced. Langston Hughes wrote inspirational poems during the period of the 1920s. He is prominent for his role in spearheading the upcoming literary appreciation during Harlem Renaissance. Through the poems, he encouraged the pleasure of the traditions of the blacks and their heritage. Among his inspirational poetic works was the poem, The Weary Blues. The theme of art and culture of the Negro is evident through the poem. He describes the relationship between art and culture as confusing and initiates weariness. The theme of race is evident from the poem, as well. The African