Monday, April 13, 2020

Personal Growth from Teaching Practice free essay sample

Our university is one of the few educational foundations in Egypt which focuses mainly on improving the abilities and skills of students and preparing them properly for the real life. t was successful to achieve its aim through the liberal educational system which it offers to its students and the practicality in the courses which is taught in the university. The linguistics course as well as any other course in the university contains a practical part; however, the practical part is the main part of the course. Therefore, we were able to gain the real life experience by teaching the workers. This course has enhanced a lot my traits as it gave me more self confidence, better presentation skills and sense of responsibility. Therefore, this course benefited me with desirable traits for teaching the workers and altered my perception of myself and the society. Patientce and being able to communicate effectively with others are two essential personal strengths acquired through taking this course. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Growth from Teaching Practice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These traits are important for teaching the workers and for the real life situations. Patience in teaching is believed to be accepting to repeat the explanation again and again without being bored and waiting for the answers from your students without saying the answers. I was taught to be more patient to be a good teacher. For instance, at the beginning of my teaching classes I was not used to wait for the answers from my students and I used to answer them; however, when the professor asked me to wait for thirty second, it worked and the student was able to answer. So by being more patient, the student has better opportunity to answer the questions and comprehend the information explained better by repeating. Consequently he gained more self confidence and was motivated to interact more in class. hen, being able to communicate effectively is another important personal strength which I recognized and improved it through this course. Through the course, I was taught that people have different styles of learning as there are the visual, the audio and the kenthastic learners. Therefore to communicate the information successfully I used to take in consideration the different types of learners. Also, the methods of communicating and correcting the error t o the students which I learnt in the course were effective and decrease the students repetition of errors. For instance, when my student makes an error and I know that he know the right thing I gave him the opportunity to correct himself. Therefore, he knew his error and seldom repeat it. I became more patient and better in communication skills through this course which affected my interaction with the workers. Then, taking this course has an effective role in altering my perception of myself and the society which I live in. through my experience in this course I recognized that I can be more self confident, make a change and be a good responsible person. First,I became more self confident of myself and what I can achieve. In other words, when I see the development of my students in learning English language and using it, I have become more confident of myself as a good teacher and a person with good communication skills. Second, I realized that I can make a change to my society by doing community work as that of teaching the workers. When I observe the progress of the workers in leaning and using English, I became more believed in my ability to make a change in the society. Finally, I realized that I can be a successful responsible person. I often come late to my classes and my appointments but, as I became responsible of the workers, I usually come to the teaching classes on time. Furthermore, I tried to do my best in teaching them as they are on my responsibility. For instance, I created extra exercises and I gave them extra classes so as I will be able to finish all of the material properly. Not only did the course made me discover new characteristics of me; however it changed to somehow my perception of the society. In other words, before dealing with the workers, I though that the people are the reason for what they achieve of social status or education according to the effort which they exert. However, after teaching the workers and realizing how much some of them are motivated to learn and know, I changed my opinion. I then now believe that sometimes the circumstances which the person lives in become the reason of what he or she achieves not only the effort exerted. Therefore, teaching the workers changed the view of my self and the society. To conclude, Teaching new skills and abilities essential for life challenges should be the ultimate goal of education. By taking this course, I was taught new skills and abilities. Also, I recognized personal strengths; such as patience and being able to communicate effectively with others which were beneficial in interacting with the workers. Moreover, some of the beliefs about myself and the society were changed from the experience of teaching the workers. I am looking forward to seeing the Egyptian governmental education providing the students not only with knowledge, but also with crucial characteristics required for life challenges.

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