Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Book report free essay sample

Kemp book report The book I choose was a story entitled, Star Trap by Simon Brett. IT was published in 1982. I choose this book because I like detective novels. The storyline is very mysterious. The plot thickens when many incidents happened in the story such as a rehearsal pianist was shot in the hand by an arraign pellet and a actor tumbled down some stairs and broke his leg. As I keep on reading the story, more and more questions keep on rehearsing my mind as I try to solve the case as well based on the clues given in the story. The story is full of descriptive writing. The immensity and anger of the surrounding and the detective was investigating is made very clear, He tried to control his breath which was rasping in his throat. It wasnt only the physical effects of the chase that made him feel so shaky. We will write a custom essay sample on Book report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He gasped and trembled and, although a diluted sun was now washing the sea-front, the morning seemed colder. p. 165. Brett managed to portray the detectives fear by contrasting the hotness of the ambiance to the coldness of the people who tried to assassinate the detective. Brett makes it clear by describing the dilapidated condition of a housing area well, The lock of fiats was old, with long gloomy corridors interrupted by the stranded doormats of unwelcoming doorways. p_48_ Brett manages to underline the slovenliness if the victim after an Incident where he was pushed down the stairs and he broke his leg. He was unable to perform In the stage anymore, which caused him to abandon himself. The character that stuck In my mind Is Charles Paris who was the smart and acute detective, his panic had changed into surging confidence p. 1 11 . He shows his acumen by being able to restrain his fear and stay calm although he was in trouble. A major theme of this story is the resilience to cope with problems and solve them instead of being anxious. He was going to expose the whole shabby business, whatever it costs him. P. 171 . Although he might put his life in danger, he showed no fear to unveil the mystery of the case because It was his Job to reveal the saboteur. This Is quite a nice book to read. The detective saved the show with a mixture of luck, experience and talent. Berets plot moves on at a fair pace and has several interesting twists and turns. I would like to recommend it to my friend because the story will incite our enquiries as we keep on reading. Book Report free essay sample The book 1776 by David McCullough tells the story of the military aspects of the American Revolution. McCullough writes the book from both the British and American point of views, creating a better understanding of what both sides were undergoing during the war. Not only does he have a degree from Yale, but McCullough has also been awarded with the nations highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In addition to this, he has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize twice. He has also written multiple other non-fiction historical books and biographies such as Truman, The Great Bridge and John Adams. Further, McCullough has lectured in all parts of the country including the White House and Congress. The story begins with descriptions of George Washington, Nathaniel Greene and Henry Knox. The author describes the men’s prior experiences and backgrounds, and how they became generals in the war. Based off the descriptions in the story, the men are described as normal, everyday men who devoted their lives to a cause they believed in. We will write a custom essay sample on Book Report or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The general’s lack of prior experience leads to an unprepared Continental Army. The first battle described in the story is the Siege of Boston. The author discusses the military fortifications the British put in the city, which the colonists saw as a direct attack against them. The Continental Army managed to seize tons of cannons and artillery from the British army all without them knowing. Later that week, the Continental Army woke the British by firing at them, causing the British to retreat. The army soon began to transform from the small Continental Army to an army that posed a great threat to the greatest military power of the time. McCullough goes on to explain the battles of Brooklyn, Kips Bay, White Plains, and Fort Washington, all of which were loses for the Continental Army. Because of these loses, the enlistments in the army began to drop drastically. The book also explains Washington and his troops feelings of hopelessness and despair. By doing this, McCullough demonstrates the massive obstacles the Continental Army had to overcome. A major battle in the book 1776, and an important turning point of the year, was the Battle of Trenton. After crossing the Delaware River, the Continental Army opened fire on the surprised Hessian troops that were stationed there. After a 45-minute battle, the Hessians surrendered, giving the Americans a much needed victory. McCullough shows the importance of this battle by describing multiple American victories that followed, such as the Battles of Princeton and Fort Lee. Through vivid descriptions of George Washington, I learned that he was not the best military leader. There were multiple times in the war where Washington was faced with difficult decisions, and proved to be very indecisive. Also, there were times where action needed to be taken, but he couldn’t decide what to do. Even though I learned Washington wasn’t as great as the history books explain him to be, it makes me respect him more to know that he, just like any other American, flawed. One thing in the story that shocked me is how different our perception of the Revolutionary War is from the reality. An example of this was how ill trained the American army was at the beginning of the war. The army was undisciplined, disobedient, and motivated only by their paychecks. Many perceive the soldiers as valiant, zealous men, but it wasn’t until much later in the war that the soldiers rose to the occasion and became the warriors that we remember today. Another thing that impressed me was the unconquerable spirits of the soldiers during the year 1776. Fighting the strongest army in the world definitely was not easy, but the soldiers fought their hardest till the end. Furthermore, despite their lack of professional leadership, the men never gave up. In my opinion, this story was a great explanation of the events that happened in the American Revolution in the year of 1776, with opinions and descriptions of generals and soldiers from both sides fighting the war. I also found this story inspirational and motivational because of the men that were faced with the most difficult of challenges, and continued to fight. I believe any man who enlisted to fight in the Revolutionary War was a hero, to be brave enough to fight the strongest military power of the time, without much training. In conclusion, David McCullough’s extensive research through British and American archives resulted in a fascinating, well-written, historically accurate story of the turning points during the war and development of the Continental Army. The story of the American Revolution shows the power the common man can have when united with others for a common cause†¦freedom.

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