Tuesday, May 26, 2020

David Christian, This Fleeting World - 897 Words

David Christian, This Fleeting World : A Short History of Humanity. Great Barrington, MA; Berkshire Publishing, 2008; 120 pp. $14.95 (paperback) In This Fleeting World, David Christian delivers a wonderful thesis about world history starting with the â€Å"Big Bang† 13.7 billion years ago leading to the formation of this world, life, humans and their survival realm that leads into this present day. Christian deliberately describes three eras in order, comparing and contrasting attributes such as survival techniques, kinship/social skills, technology and architecture showing changes through time. The â€Å"Afro-Eurasian† continent is the starting point Christian uses to explain the expansion of humanity relating to the â€Å"Out of Africa† theory. Christian’s goal is to bring the importance of history into readers allowing them to understand the world they live in and the past that evolved till today (Christian xvii). This Fleeting World contains a different style of history (unlike history about a particular region or nation, such as the United States) where the time frame spans utterly from the â€Å"Big Bang† to the 21st century (Bain, Harris ix-x); this long history with numerous amounts of information was able to be put into this simple and compact book. It begins with a preface written not by Christian, but by Bob Bain and Lauren McArthur Harris. The purpose of these pages was to clarify how this book can be the ultimate resource to teachers. It can help them plan their world historyShow MoreRelatedEssay about This Fleeting World644 Words   |  3 PagesThis Fleeting World This Fleeting World takes about two hundred and fifty thousand years worth of history and compacts it into a one hundred and twenty page book. I believe Christian did a stellar job of doing so. Although short, it is very rich in knowledge about how our world came to be. His points are powerful and well put. This book definitely stands out in all the black and whiteness of history books. This fleeting world ties the start of humanity, to current life very efficiently. Read MoreThis Fleeting World Review Essay1007 Words   |  5 Pageshave had on this Earth has greatly affected the outcome of history. In an attempt to provide an overview of human history in his book This Fleeting World, David Christian introduces it in the context of the history of the universe and then systematically breaks it down into three distinct eras providing a logical framework that can be used in a more detailed study. His goal is to provide a â€Å"big picture† of world history and the interco nnections that exist among the peoples of this world. ChristianRead MoreHappiness : The Goal Of Life1624 Words   |  7 Pagesto the way someone lives their life and their own thoughts. 1. Happiness: The Goal of Life a. Introduction 2. Religions Perspective on Happiness a. Overview of Religions b. 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