Friday, May 15, 2020

Wal-Marts Organizational Theory and Behavior - 2294 Words

Final Project - Wal-Marts Organizational Theory and Behavior Jean K. Martin AXIA College of University of Phoenix There are so many organizational behavior concepts to take into consideration for the success or failure of any organization, business or company. The way these concepts are handled by management and employees will either keep the business open or these same concepts could end up in closure of this same business or organization. Management and employees are the people who will make the win or lose situation occur. Communication, motivation, and power and politics are some of the concepts that will cause a business to succeed or fail. Businesses must be competitive to stay alive, or these same businesses will†¦show more content†¦This brings out a positive appearance within the store. This type of treatment should be present in all departments throughout the store. The most important support comes from the checkout counter who will leave the customer with a lasting impression of that store. The cashiers behavior could be the determining factor if that customer will ret urn to that store. A policy should be in place which states that all cashiers final comments spoken to the customer should be Have a nice day. Thanks for shopping at Wal-Mart. Quality customer service is what will make a store flourish in the retail business, or it could hinder the business by losing customers to another retail store. Without customer service, there will be no customers (Lindner, 2005). During research on this final project, the author found an example of Wal-Marts communication in backing customer service. A Wal-Mart customer returned a completely thawed turkey including all the fixings for a dinner because her relatives could not make it due to car trouble (Now Thats Customer Support, 2006). Wal-Mart returned the customers money which was $19 plus some change and the customer returned the complete turkey dinner which included two boxes of stuffing, some cranberries, stuff to make pumpkin pies, green beans and a package of rolls (Now Thats Customer Support, 2006). Another example where Wal-Mart communicates withShow MoreRelatedWalmarts Ethics or Lack of and Employee Dissatisfaction1252 Words   |  5 PagesIn my opinion Wal-Mart has exhibited lots of unethical behaviors over the course of several years. They have been using Anti-union propaganda to deter its employees from joining a union, which is their legal right. Most employees are made to watch videos outlining how Unions would destroy Wal-Mart and essentially their employees, however this appears to be a scare tactic. They have even gone as far as shutting down one of its stores to prevent further unionization in Canada. 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